End of Project Evaluation of the Vietnamese Government Interpreters Training Program.

Year: 2007 | Country: Vietnam | Client: European Commission
  • Worked with ECORYS, Holland.

The project concerned the End of Project Evaluation of the Vietnamese Government Interpreters Training Program. The company reviewed the progress made during the Program and assessed the extent to which the Program had achieved its objectives.

Reviewed the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of supported actions as well as their relevance with respect to the Program's main objectives and made recommendations. Conducted interviews and reported on the findings.

In September 2006 Romijn Research and Development (RRD) was approached by ECORYS to conduct the end-of project evaluation of the Vietnamese Government Interpreters Training Programme. The evaluation had been assigned by the European Commission

The Vietnamese government Interpreters Training project was adopted by the European Commission and the Vietnamese Government to provide the Vietnamese authorities with a body of conference interpreters and conference interpreter training capacity. This provision would have to ensure smooth communication between the Commission (and the international community at large) and (various Departments of) the Vietnamese Government in multi-lingua forums. The ultimate aim of the project was to provide Vietnam with the resources and know-how to establish a fully-fledged European Interpreter Training Centre in Hanoi.

The aim of the evaluation was to review the project's, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability, propose improvements and/or new options for the future and explore possible improvements to the project or other future actions through which the EU might contribute to sustainable results in the performance of the public administration of Vietnam in its negotiations with governments of other countries throughout the world.

RRD has conducted the fieldwork in Vietnam - Hanoi visiting EU and Vietnamese ministries/agencies and trainees that had followed the programme. The evidence as gathered demonstrated a clear impact of this project on functioning of the Ministries in negotiations and the position on the labour market of the trainees to be lasting for some time to come.

As a result of these findings this evaluation has warmly recommended training of Vietnamese interpreters with the EU training methodology to be continued. A relative small project has impacted significantly and has led to sustainable results.
Hoan Kiem Lake Hanoi Vietnam

Hoan Kiem Lake Hanoi Vietnam

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