End-Term Evaluation of the Malawi Vocational Education and Training (TEVET) programme

Year: 2021 | Country: Malawi | Client: European Delegation to Malawi
  • Worked with Integration, a company with its base in Germany.

RRD acts a team leader in the End-Term Evaluation of the Malawi Vocational Education and Training (TEVET) programme and formulation of the Terms of Reference for a follow-up programme. RRD was engaged in document study, interviews, site visits, and report writing.

The project RRD evaluated had as its objective: To empower the vocational education and training sector and its capacity to satisfy the economy's need for skilled professionals through expansion and improvement of vocational education and training in Malawi.

Further objectives were defined as:

  • Promote equitable and gender-based access to TEVET
  • Improve the quality and relevance of TEVET
  • Strengthen the governance and management of TEVET regulatory bodies and training institutes

The expected impact was defined a demonstrated increase in the potential for employment and higher earnings of male and female graduates of the Malawian TEVET system. Needs of the economy were to be satisfied with professionals adequately skilled.

RRD has concluded that the empowerment on the TEVET system as wished for has only come about at institute level and not at central -Ministry- level of the country. Despite this the evaluation has shown that the programme has significantly attributed to the promotion of equitable and gender-based access to TEVET and improve the quality and relevance of TEVET.

Data as gathered in the study support the idea that some impact has been achieved: there is potential for employment and higher earnings of male and female graduates of the Malawian TEVET system.

For the new programme it has been strongly recommended to engage authorities at central -Ministry level- in realizing further innovations as planned in order to ensure sustainability of the achievements.
Students at a Community College about to demonstrate their skills in electrical engineering

Students at a Community College about to demonstrate their skills in electrical engineering

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